Honey is a natural food. It is naturally produced and contains everything that is good in nature. Honey contains vitamins, enzymes, minerals, amino acids and many other vital elements for the body. This is the most distinctive feature that distinguishes honey from sugary products.
Honey carries the nutritional values of thousands of flowers and plants. It contributes greatly to a person's nutritional and energy needs.
On the other hand, honey strengthens the body's resistance with its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It helps to maintain health.
Polyfloral Honey,
is when bees take nectar from more than one non-specific flower species and turn it into honey. The type of flower from which the nectar comes gives the honey its color and flavor.
Monofloral Honey,
is honey produced by bees taking nectar from a single type of plant (acacia, chestnut, pine, lavender, thyme).